When it comes to health and weight loss goals, a lot of what holds us back is hidden underneath the surface in the subconscious brain. Perfectionism with food with is one of the most common things I see holding women back from reaching their goals. Here’s the deal, you probably already know what you should be […]
When it comes to looking and feeling your best, a healthy diet is one of the fundamentals, in additional to good sleep, adequate water, and daily movement. But in order to make their diet healthier, many people think they have go big right away and overhaul their entire pantry… That is not the case! When you […]
Healthy eating at restaurants can be really hard, believe me, I know… At home your food options are mostly limited to what’s in your fridge and pantry, making healthy choices feel easier. But when you sit down to order at a restaurant, there’s pictures on the menu that look delicious, waiters walking by with sizzling […]
Overcoming strong cravings to eat sweets is a common struggle today. The human brain is designed to seek immediate pleasure, avoid immediate discomfort, and keep us safe. This worked out great for humans back in the caveman days. But today most of us have constant access to comfort and immediate pleasure — especially in the […]
Creating a weekly meal plan is a crucial step in changing your eating habits and losing weight. Without a plan, it’s easy to slip into having a little snack here, a little treat there, and before you know it, you’re eating whenever and whatever you feel… If this is your current approach and you’re happy […]